Don’t allow hatred and pride rule your life. Haman is an example of what pride and hated do to you in life. Let’s continue our study as we look at Esther 5:9-14.

After the first banquet Haman is feeling highly honored to have been invited to another private banquet with the king and queen and then as he walks out to go home he sees Mordecai at the king’s gate. A raging fury arises in Haman’s heart as Mordecai refuses to stand in reverence to him and shows no fear over the decree.
After reaching his house, verses 10-12 tells us how Haman summoned his friends to a social gathering so he could boast about the day’s joyful events with them. In his sharing, Scripture exposes the shameful depth of his prideful, arrogant heart. Sitting with his wife and friends and looking forward to the second banquet the next evening, Haman could not get past his hatred for Mordecai ~ Esther 5:13 “Yet all this avails me nothing, so long as I see Mordecai the Jew sitting at the king’s gate.”
Seeing how this has affected Haman, his wife and friends give him advice as we see in Esther 5:14. Haman’s wife and friends were no better than himself, they were just as wicked. Feeling so confident that Haman had a direct line to the king that he would do anything he wanted, they set out to kill Mordecai once and for all. Not only did they want to kill him but they wanted to make him an example for all to make sure that they show Haman respect and fear what he may do to them by hanging Mordecai. So Haman was pleased by the advice and ordered the fifty cubit high gallows to be made and planned to bring his suggestion to the King in the morning before the banquet. Little did he know God had other plans for Mordecai.
Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.” ~ Proverbs 27:1
I look forward to continuing our study with you in our next post. Until then have a blessed day.