We left off in chapter seven with Esther revealing Haman’s plot to kill her and her people as king Ahasuerus grew angry and ordered Haman to be hung on the very gallows he built to hang Mordecai.

But this was not the end, just because Haman was dead did not mean the Jewish people were safe from annihilation. The Decree written by Haman to annihilate the Jews was still in effect and according to Persian law even the king could not change it.
My friend, this shows us that the consequences of our actions live on long after we are gone. So the question we should be asking is, what legacy are we leaving behind? Are the consequences of our actions good or bad? We need to think before we act; Think about the consequences that will result from our actions. Will they bring glory to God or will it bring dishonor. What is the purpose behind our actions? Is it for our own selfish gain or for the gain of others?
Let us stop and think of the consequences before we act and make sure our motives are pure. Let us live our lives to glorify our Lord, Jesus Christ.