Study of Esther

Sovereign Hand of God

After reading this post, you may look at sleepless nights totally different. Once again we see the sovereign hand of ...
A heart shaped gold pendant

A Heart Ruled by Hatred

Don’t allow hatred and pride rule your life.  Haman is an example of what pride and hated do to you ...
A series of purple splash effect

God’s Perfect Timing

Sometimes in life it appears as if those against us are being blessed and life is good for them; but ...

God Answers Prayer

Esther chapters 5-7 mark the climax of the book of Esther. Join me as we begin the fifth chapter with ...

Seek God’s Guidance

How many times in life do we rush into a situation just to find out that if we had just ...

Strength through Crisis

How quickly life can make a turn in another direction, right. You may be going through life then suddenly something ...
A sleeping seal

Hang in There my Friend

It is so hard to see a loved one in distress isn't it.  Our heart breaks and we want to ...
A large purplish blue flower

Never Alone Through Crisis

Esther chapter four is so encouraging to us today because even though times seem impossible and it seems like it ...
A message to spread kindness

Spread Kindness not Hatred

Have you had a passion that was so strong you did everything you could to pursue it.  In this post ...
A greyscaled image of a flower

Think Before You Act

We really need to think before we act.  In this post we will see how King Ahasuerus made a decision ...

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