Study of Esther

God is in Control quote

God is in Control

Over the next few posts we will follow the steps in Esther 3:7-15 that Haman took as he executed his ...
A feather-like design

God’s plan will Prevail

As we continue our study in Esther 3:2-5 we see that Haman's promotion definitely went to his head as he ...
A flower design with a warning message

Hatred only fuels a Wicked Heart

We left off in our study with Queen Esther being crowned and Mordecai saving the king's life.  Now we are ...
A Grey Watery Effect Diagram in Black and White

God’s Perfect Timing

 Let us open our Bibles to Esther 2:21-23, we see Mordecai sitting at the king's gate.  This is a familiar scene ...
Purpose quote with a heart shape jewelry

Chosen for a Greater Purpose

Esther, a Jewess, was placed in a position in which she could help the nation Israel. Her being elevated to ...

Are you a Secret Christian

We were introduced to Mordecai in our last post and now in Esther 2:10-11 we see him pacing back and ...
A blue petaled flower

Esther, God’s Chosen Star

 In Esther 2: 5-7 we are introduced to Esther's cousin, Mordecai.  Mordecai was from the tribe of Benjamin and took Esther ...

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