Sometimes in life it appears as if those against us are being blessed and life is good for them; but looks can be deceiving my friend as we will see as we continue our study.

Esther knows timing is everything and that she needs to use discretion as she seeks to make her request to the king. Remember Haman in his hatred has set a decree to annihilate the Jewish people and he doesn’t know Queen Esther is Jewish.
Looking at Esther 5:4-8 we see Esther invites the king and Haman to not one but two private banquets. Haman is feeling on top of the world, his ego is growing more and more as he is invited to two private banquets with the king and queen. Little does he know that God is working behind the scenes to counter his decree and save the Jewish people.
My friend, remember that God is in control. God chooses to work through those willing to act for Him. Esther planned out her approach as she sought out God’s guidance by fasting and praying. Join me for our next post as we continue our study.