It is so hard to see a loved one in distress isn’t it. Our heart breaks and we want to help relieve the pain they are going through.

We see this with Queen Esther and Mordecai in Esther 4:4-5 as Esther seeks to help Mordecai who is in deep anguish and to find out why he is in such distress.
Verses 6-9 shows the eunuch going to Mordecai at the queen’s command and Mordecai telling him all that had happened with the Decree and relaying the news to Esther along with the decree itself so she could read it and be informed.
Can you imagine getting tragic news like this! Hearing that Haman had ordered the annihilation of her people would be devastating!
My friend, are you or a loved one going through hard times? Have you received devastating news. Take courage and know you are not alone. The same God that is working behind the scenes to help Esther, Mordecai and the Jewish people is working in your life too.
Join me in our next post to see what Esther’s response is to this news. Until then, have a blessed day.