Have you had a passion that was so strong you did everything you could to pursue it. In this post we will see Haman’s passion as we look at the third step in executing his plan.

Let us continue our study as we look at Esther 3:12-14.
Having received permission by the king, Haman immediately set out to formulate the decree to exterminate the entire Jewish race and immediately spread the word. The decree was translated into the dialects of all the people throughout the vast empire, and swift messengers were sent to carry it into all the provinces. The annihilation of the Jews, both young and old was to be done in one day.
Notice in verse 13 in says “…in one day on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month…” Then Verse 14 states a copy of the document was to be issued as law in every province, being published for all people, that they should be ready for that day.
Isn’t it interesting in ancient times how fast Haman was able to prepare, translate, and distribute this decree. He had a passion and he went after that passion. My friend, what are you passionate about? Just think with all the technology we have today what we can do to spread God’s word! Spread kindness not hatred!
Haman may be a very wicked, cruel, hard-hearted person; however, he cannot thwart God’s plan. Before this plan was ever established, God knew it and set Esther and Mordecai in positions to be able to stop the annihilation of the Jewish people. Please join me as we continue our study. Until our next post, have a blessed day.