Have you ever had a time where you said something and you wish you could take it back, where hearts were broken yet once those words left your mouth the damage was done?

This is what happened to king Ahasuerus, once a decree was sealed by the king’s signet ring; it was law never to be revoked, so the only thing the King could do to correct the wrong of Haman’s decree was to write another one.
We see in Esther 8:7-8 that the King gave Esther and Mordecai full authority to write another decree and seal it with the king’s signet ring. It was the 23rd day of the 3rd month, the month of Sivan, which was a little over two months after Haman had issued the original Decree of Annihilation that the new decree was written. The new decree granted the right of self-defense to the Jews. Mordecai uses the same language as the original decree so that they would know that the king found favor now in the Jews and that he did not want them annihilated. You know there are still going to be those who want to annihilate the Jew so by giving them permission to defend themselves would help prevent the annihilation of all the Jews in the providence.
We see in verse 15 that when Mordecai left the palace he was in Royal Apparel. Can you imagine the joy that filled the Jews as they see Mordecai. This chapter begins with Queen Esther in tears, but it ends with the Jews rejoicing and feasting. The Jews have been mourning and fasting, but now they were ecstatic with joy as God had answered their prayers.
My friend, it is never too late to right a wrong. With much prayer and fasting allow God to guide your life.