Your Blessing is Coming

You ever find yourself going through life day after day wondering when your prayer would be answered. You pray and yet nothing seems to be happening. 

A great example of this is in the life of Joseph. We see in Genesis 40 how Joseph was falsely imprisoned and after interpreting a dream for the chief cupbearer, who was also imprisoned with Joseph, showed that the cupbearer would be restored to his position with the Pharaoh. Joseph asked the cupbearer to speak highly of him to help release him from prison. At the end of chapter 40 we see this interpretation come to fruition, then chapter 41 begins with the chief cupbearer speaking highly of Joseph, as he had asked, and he tells Pharaoh how he interpreted his dream. 

But notice in Genesis 41:1 the cupbearer did not remember Joseph immediately, it took two full years before he mentioned Joseph to the Pharaoh. What a difference the gap between chapter 40 and chapter 41 makes. Joseph had to wait two full years in prison for his prayer to be answered. 

My friends, we all have gaps between our prayers and answered prayers, don’t we? In these times we can get discouraged and bitter or we can trust God to know that He is in control. You see Joseph’s prayer to be delivered from prison took two full years before it was answered because God had a plan that would bolster Joseph to a higher authority as ruler of Egypt where he would be in a position to save the Israelites and his family. 

God had a greater plan for Joseph and was working behind the scenes in Joseph’s life to make it come to fruition. So when you get discouraged because of the gaps between your prayers and it seems as if your prayers are not being answered, remember it’s all about God’s timing not ours! God is working in your life just as he did with Joseph. He has a plan and a purpose for your life also. Jeremiah 29:11 ‘For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.’ Trust in the Lord my friend even in the gaps of life.

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